Expert Profile

Dr Rebecca English
Lecturer, Faculty of Education (QUT)
Questions answered by Dr Rebecca English
Raising an 'alpha' child
Hi, I fear that my child (3 years) is an alpha child and that is due to our poor attachment. How can I make it right with my toddler? Please give me strategies through examples. Thank you
Learning to be gentle
My little one is 13 months old, recently especially when he is over tired he is rough with our dog. Pulling his hair and grabbing his face sometimes to the point where the dog squeals. I do remind him that we give Cooper gentle pats and show him how, which he does copy, but it will only be moments before he is over the top with him again. I have picked him up and used a gruff voice, but this doesn't bother him and he thinks it's a game and laughs. How do I amend this behaviour?
Is my grandson school ready?
I live in NSW and I foster my grandson. He turns 5 in February. He is bright, socially excellent but has some maturity issues sometimes. I have probably equal numbers saying he is fine to start school and also hold him back. I just want to make the best decision for him. Can you help?
Vomiting when he doesn't get his way
My grandson vomits when he does not get his own way. Any ideas how to stop it? Thanks. He is going too be 3 end of this month.
Struggling with daycare drop off and bedtime
My daughter is almost four and has been attending daycare for almost three years, and loved it. Recently however she's really struggled with both daycare drop off and bedtime (she's usually great at bedtime too). She hides, cries, whimpers and shouts "don't go!" She seems genuinely upset and it breaks my heart to leave her but bedtime now is so difficult when I need to get my one year old to bed as well. It seems to be getting worse rather than better. What do I do?