3-week-old is very unsettled
3-week-old is very unsettled
My 3 weeks old is very unsettled. He can only fall asleep in our arms. As soon as we put him in his cot he wakes up even in deep sleep. He cries so loud as if something is wrong. The only thing that settles him is breastfeeding.
What you are experiencing is not uncommon with newborns... establishing sleep patterns does take some time and patience. One of the most common reasons for interrupted sleep is hunger and given your son's pacification while breastfeeding it may be that he is waking up hungry which in turn might mean a chat with your pediatrician. Also, the comfort of a parent's arms can often be replaced by gentle rocking or experimenting with soft music in the background. In the end however, it might just be that more time is necessary to establish a relaxed and restful state. As always, if you have any health concerns please consult with your physician as well.

Dr Michael Nagel
Associate Professor, School of Education, University of the Sunshine Coast
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