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Child Development

The baby is moving about vigorously, and responds to touch and sound. A very loud noise may make him or her jump and kick, and you'll be able to feel this1.
Your baby is regularly passing urine into the amniotic fluid. Sometimes the baby may get hiccups and you can feel the jerk of each hiccup.
The baby's eyelids open for the first time and she or he will soon start blinking. It's not until some weeks after the birth that your baby's eyes become the colour they will stay.
By now your baby's heart rate will have slowed to around 140 beats per minute. This is still considerably faster than your own heart rate.
Your baby's brain, lungs and digestive system are formed but not fully mature, and are still developing.
By 28 weeks, your baby weighs around 1kg and is perfectly formed. The baby's heartbeat can now be heard through a stethoscope. Your partner may even be able to hear it by putting an ear to your abdomen, but it can be difficult to find the right place.
Your baby continues to put on weight, as more and more fat appears under the skin.
Your body at 25-28 weeks pregnant
You may get indigestion or heartburn, and it might be hard to eat large meals as your baby grows and takes up some of the space where your stomach normally is. You may also suffer from tiredness in pregnancy.
You may have some swelling in your face, hands or feet. This might be caused by water retention, which is normal – try resting and lifting up your swollen feet to ease it.
Be sure to mention any swelling to your midwife or GP so they can take your blood pressure and rule out a condition called pre-eclampsia, which can cause swelling.
Tips for 25-28 weeks pregnant
Parental leave
An employee has to give notice to their employer at least 10 weeks before starting their unpaid parental leave. This notice needs to be in writing, and say how much leave they want to take, including the starting and finishing dates.
If an employee can’t give 10 weeks’ notice, (e.g. the baby is born prematurely) they need to provide as much notice as possible.
An employee has to confirm their parental leave dates with their employer at least four weeks before they are due to start their leave.
Employees who are taking concurrent leave (parents taking leave at the same time) need to provide at least 10 weeks’ notice to their employer for their first period of concurrent leave. For second and later periods, they need to provide at least 4 weeks’ notice.
Warning signs during pregnancy
High blood pressure and pre-eclampsia
High blood pressure and protein in the urine are signs of pre-eclampsia, which can be life threatening if untreated.
Severe itching
Severe itching at any stage of pregnancy can be a sign of the rare liver disorder obstetric cholestasis.
1 Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0
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