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Real parents. Real problems. We’re here with a group of leading early learning and parenting professionals to answer your questions.

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What you need to know

At First Five Years we know that parents share many of the same struggles. We would like to offer a helping hand by giving you the opportunity to air your questions, issues or concerns about parenting, early learning or childhood behavioural issues with our panel of early learning and parenting professionals.

Step One – Ask your question.

Questions are limited to 500 characters. Your question will be moderated and published. (Questions may be edited and not all questions will be answered.)

Step Two – Your question is answered.

You’ll be notified by email when up to three of our panel members answer your question. We aim to answer questions as quickly as possible. Most will be answered within two working days.

View all members of our professional panel or if you have questions please contact us.

Your questions

Questions about Developmental delay answered by Fran Chavasse. No results were found.